Time Magazine “Person of the Year” features Nurses!

There are four nurses included in the Time Magazine “Person of the Year” – the Ebola Fighters!  These nurses are

  • TIME_Person_of_the_Year_2014__Ebola_NursesKaci Hickox, wrongfully quarantined in New Jersey and then Maine after returning from Sierra Leone where she was treating Ebola patients.



  • Iris Martor, a school nurse in Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia. who is working locally to educate, protect, and help people in her local community to overcome the devastating epidemic in her country.


  • Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, nsures at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital who contracte Ebola while caring for Mr. Duncan, who arrived in Texas with Ebola and died while in the Texas hospital.


I was impressed, in reading each of their stories, of their statements of commitment to caring for those in need, and recognizing the dangers involved they remained steadfast in expressing their values.  Read their stories here where you can also take a few minutes to add your comments acknowledging these nurses!

2 thoughts on “Time Magazine “Person of the Year” features Nurses!

  1. When the nurses who cared for Mr.Duncan were on an NBC special, the ethos of care and commitment dominated the discussion; not fear or disgust or retreat. I heard it then and now read it in TIME as a call to action. People entering the profession of nursing need to appreciate and embrace this ethos of care and recognize that the human connection resonates above and beyond all else. Fiscal and physical resources will change but the human resource of commitment and care is THE constant. It is what distinguishes us as nurses, it is what our populations need and it is what we want to deliver/provide; Authentic, genuine caring no matter the circumstances; embrace it, deliver it, research it and thrive within it.


  2. I agree and love the term Ethos of care and commitment. I also found the nurses stories to reflect their intelligence and articulation of this health crisis with significant sociopolitical implications; from misinformation, ignorance, and challenging hegemony.


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